- byterazors redmine
Everything related hosting this redmine instance including legal pages.
- Code Snippets
This Project just organizes some small code snippets of mine in a wiki style.
- Homeautomation
This project organizes all my work regarding homeautomation.
- FHEM Container
This project creates a FHEM container for running within a kubernetes cluster. It focuses on security and includes all additional modules I require.
Development Goals
- updates only by updating the container
- read-only root file system...
- FHEM Ntfy
This project provides a FHEM module for integrating with the service. It also supports privatly hosted ntfy instances.
Issue and Wiki Update Notification can be subscribed to at ....
- FHEM-Kubernetes
This Project is about running FHEM in a Kubernetes cluster in a secure and reliable way.
- Kumanda
Kumanda is a project to integrate the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (AMANDA) into Kubernetes.
- libtree
Small tree library written in C++. It is optimized for use with bison and flex to generate Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs).
- drone-redmine-plugin
This projects provides a drone plugin to interact with the redmine API.
- redmine-api-cpp
- Redmine-Container
Container Image fpr running Redmine in a Kubernetes Cluster including all themes and plugins required by @Dominik Meyer.
- rss2email Container
This Project provides a container for running rss2email
- Webhook2Ntfy
A tool and container image to map incoming Mattermost and Slack webhooks to notifications using and self hosted instances of it.
Issue and Wiki Update Notification can be subscribed to at .
Also available in: Atom